History of Philosophy Workshop

The History of Philosophy Workshop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is a forum for historians from the region, and from further afield, to present work in progress. Work on any figure, period, or tradition in the history of philosophy is welcome. The Workshop meets several times a semester, on Fridays from 12-1:10pm. The paper is usually distributed in advance, allowing to dedicate the entire meeting time to discussion. If you have any questions, or are interested in presenting or in being added to our mailing list, please email Anat Schechtman

Fall 2019 Schedule

September 20, 2019: Paula Gottlieb (UW-Madison)

October 11, 2019: Steve Nadler (UW-Madison)

November 8, 2019: James Messina (UW Madison)

December 6, 2019: Nataliya Palatnik (UW-Milwaukee)