Joel Ballivian
Credentials: Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Religion

I received my B.A. and M.A. in philosophy from Western Michigan University. I’ve a variety of research interests. In social ethics: responsibility for systemic injustice, the normative implications of benefitting from injustice, white privilege, feminism, the nature of oppression, and definitions of racism. In metaethics: what explains the inescapability/authority of moral reasons? In epistemology: ethical intuitionism and unpossessed evidence. In philosophy of science: probabilistic models of evidential support. In philosophy of religion: the design argument. Outside of philosophy I enjoy things like: Falbo’s pizza (best in Madison), soccer (Man U), Batchata, writing half finished songs on the guitar, various athletic activities I’m mediocre at, and a solid rom com. I blog at