Joel Ballivian
- (2019). “Fine-Tuning Arguments and Biological Design Arguments: Can the Theist Have Both?” Religious Studies.
Elizabeth Bell
- (Forthcoming). “Against Moral Individualism: Special Relations and the Agent-Neutral/Agent-Relative Distinction,” Social Theory and Practice.
- (2021). “Participation Grades: An Argument for Self-Assessments, the Potential to Reproduce Inequalities, and Preventive Suggestions,” Teaching Philosophy [44] 2. DOI: 10.5840/teachphil2021518146.
Michael Bruckner
- (2022). “Internal Identity is (Partly) Dispositional Identity” Synthese.
Danielle Lee Clevenger
(Forthcoming). “Undergraduate Conferences as High Impact Practices with an Impact on Gender Parity” (with Koolage, W. John). Teaching Philosophy, 41 (3).
Patrick Cronin
- (2016). “Regularity Theories Disconfirmed: A Revamped Argument and a Wager” Synthese,
- (Forthcoming). “An A Priori Refutation of the Classical Pessimistic Induction” Erkenntnis,
Paul Kelly
- (Forthcoming) “Helping Novice Students Understand How Logic Relates to Philosophy.” AAPT Studies in Pedagogy, Volume 8.
Alexander Pho
- (forthcoming). “A Confucian mutualist theory of sport.” Journal of the Philosophy of Sport.
- (2022). “A critical note on a purported disanalogy between cycling and mixed martial arts” (with Benjamin A. White). Journal of the Philosophy of Sport.
- (2022). “Saving the Last Person from Radical Scepticism: How to justify attributions of intrinsic value to nature without intuition or empirical evidence” (with Allen Thompson). Environmental Values.
Jonathon VandenHombergh
- (2018). “Consciousness, Conceivability, and Intrinsic Reduction,” Erkenntnis,
- (2017). “Inconceivable Physicalism,” Analysis, 77(1): 116-125.
Elise Whatley
- (2020). “Harm, Consent, and Virtual Selves in Full Body Ownership Illusions: Real Concerns for Immersive Virtual Reality Therapies” (with Maria Botero). Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics.
Professional Presentations
Joel Ballivian
- “What are the Chances? Probability and Social Privilege” at the Association for Practical and Applied Ethics (February 2021).
- “Not Those Auxiliary Assumptions: Evidential Evaluation and the Auxiliaries You Can’t Use” at the American Philosophical Association (February 2021).
Elizabeth Bell
- “How A Causalist Theory of Action Can Account for Intentional Omissions” American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting (February 2018).
- “How A Causalist Theory of Action Can Account for Intentional Omissions” Northwest Philosophy Conference (October 2017).
- “How Special Relations Can Provide Agent-neutral Reasons” Iowa Philosophical Society Conference (November 2016).
- “Special Relations as the Grounds of Agent-neutral Reasons” Mountain-Plains Philosophy Conference (October 2016)
- “Another Stoic Inconsistency: Propositions and Predicationals” Northwest Philosophy Conference (October 2015).
- “Multiple Entrenchment Orderings in the AGM Model of Belief Revision” Boise State University (September 2014).
Michael Bruckner
- “Moral Thought Pluralism and Disjunctive Reference” at Ohio Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, Akron (April 2022).
- “Friendship, Forensics, and Favoritism” at Annual Meeting of the New Mexico Texas Philosophical Society, Baylor University (April 2022) presented remotely.
- “Moral Thought Pluralism and Disjunctive Reference” at North Carolina Philosophical Association and South Carolina Society for Philosophy Joint Meeting, Converse University (March 2022).
- “Friendship, Forensics, and Favoritism” at Virtuous and Vicious Partiality, Christopher Newport University (February 2022).
- “The Reason to Be Angry Proportionally” at APA Eastern Division Meeting, Baltimore (January 2022) online due to Covid-19.
- “Friendship, Forensics, and Favoritism” at Annual Northwest Philosophy Conference, Portland State University (November 2021).
- “Extended or Embodied? Questioning Conventional Wisdom in Cognitive Science” at Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, US, Poster Session (July 2021) online due to Covid-19.
- “Extended or Embodied? Questioning Conventional Wisdom in Cognitive Science” at Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, UK (July 2021) online due to Covid-19.
- “The Reason to Be Angry Proportionally” at Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho, Portugal (June 2021) online due to Covid-19.
- “What’s ‘Inside’? An Argument for Dispositional Identity as Mark of the Internal” at APA Central Division Meeting in New Orleans, LA (February 2021), online due to Covid-19.
- “Is [Moral Judgment] like [Game] or [Jade]? A Metasemantic Challenge for Moral Thought Pluralism” at Great Lakes Philosophy Conference, Adrian College and Siena Heights University in Adrian, MI (February 2021) online due to Covid-19.
- “The Reason to Be Angry Proportionally” at Manswers Workshop in Political Theory, Manchester Centre for Political Theory, University of Manchester, UK, (September 2020) online due to Covid-19.
- “What’s ‘Inside’? An Argument against Phenomenal Identity as Mark of the Internal” at Fifth Philosophy of Language and Mind Network Conference, University of St Andrews, UK, Poster Session (August 2019).
- “The Myth of the Given Advice: Towards Eliminativism about Doxastic Moral Deference,” Ways of Knowing in Ethics, Simon Frasier University, Vancouver, Canada (June 2018)
Danielle Lee Clevenger
“Utilizing Movement in Learning Activities,” Panel presentation. “Shaking Up the Standard Lecture,” at APA Central Division Meeting, Chicago, IL. (February 2018).
Patrick Cronin
- “An A Priori Solution to the Classical Pessimistic Induction”, a Symposium presented at APA Central Division Meeting, Chicago, IL. (2022).
- “Misconceived Track Records about Unconceived Alternatives”, a Colloquium to be presented at the APA Central Division Meeting (2025).
Katie Deaven
- “Relative Significance Controversies in Evolutionary Biology,” International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology’s Biennial Meeting, online due to Covid-19. (2021).
- “Relative Significance Controversies in Evolutionary Biology,” New Mexico Texas Philosophical Society’s Annual Conference, online due to Covid-19. (2021).
- “Relative Significance Controversies in Evolutionary Biology,” APA-Pacific, online due to Covid-19. (2021).
“Ghosts of Departed Quantities,” at Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy’s Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich. (2016).
“Shortcomings in Shoemaker’s Defense: The Unresolved Korsgaard-Parfit Debate,” at 67th New Mexico Texas Philosophical Society’s Annual Conference, Texas State University, San Marcos. (2016).
Paul Kelly
“Dynamical Models, Scientific Understanding, and Explanatory Unification” at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology (June 2023)
“What Justifies the Model-to-Mechanism Mapping Requirement?” at the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (March 2022)
“How do Functional Models in Cognitive Science Represent and Explain?” at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology (July 2021)
- “Does Methodological Adaptationism Presuppose a False Dichotomy?” at American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting in New Orleans, LA. (February 2021).
- “On the Plausibility of a Dispositional Analysis of Intrinsic Value,” at Wisconsin Philosophical Association. (August 2020).
- “Does Methodological Adaptationism Presuppose a False Dichotomy?” at Philosophy of Science Association. (November 2020).
- “On the Scientific Legitimacy of Animal Beliefs” at Minnesota Philosophical Society. (October 2019).
- “How Should a Physicalist Respond to the Knowledge Argument?” at American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting in Vancouver, BC. (April 2019).
Shiying Li
- “Individuals, Norms, and the Basic Structure” (2023 Gaus Memorial Prize) and “Stigma, Justice, and Personal Relationships” (submitted paper) at PPE Society Seventh Annual Meeting, New Orleans. (November 2023)
- “Education for Robust Self-Respect” (submitted paper) at North American Association for Philosophy & Education, Chicago. (October 2023)
- “Liberal Education for Robust Self-Respect” (submitted paper) at American Educational Research Association, 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago. (April 2023)
- “When is a Revolution Justified?” (submitted symposium) at American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Denver. (February 2023)
- “Social Norms as Part of the Basic Structure” (submitted poster) at PPE Society Sixth Annual Meeting, New Orleans. (November 2022)
- “Family and Equality of Opportunity” (submitted paper) and Why Justify Liberal Education in U.S. Higher Education? (submitted panel) at North American Association for Philosophy & Education, Chicago. (October 2022)
- “Stigma, Justice, and Personal Relationships” (submitted symposium) at American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Chicago. (February 2021)
Alexander Pho
- “Transwomen’s Inclusion in Organized Women’s Sports: A Confucian Virtue Ethical Perspective.” 50th Annual Meeting of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport.
- “Articulating the Sporting Moral Community: Augmenting Interpretivism with Constructive Ethical Pragmatism,” at the 49th Meeting of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS). (August 2022).
- “Vegans Have Pro Tanto Moral Reason to Excel in Athletics,” at the 72nd Annual Northwest Philosophy Conference. (November 2021).
- “Moral Fixed Points: A Fully General Solution to the Immorality Objection to Non-Naturalist Moral Realism,” at The Great Lakes Philosophy Conference. (2021).
Emmaline Secada
- “A New Conceptualist Picture of Kant’s Account of Empirical Intuitions,” 14th International Kant Congress (September 2024).
- “Descartes’ and Spinoza’s Accounts of Freedom: Self-Determination in the Meditations and the Ethics,” Australasian Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy (November 2023).
- “Descartes’ and Spinoza’s Accounts of Freedom: Self-Determination in the Meditations and the Ethics,” TEMPO Conference (May 2023).
Jonathon VandenHombergh
“Conceptual Sieves,” at The New Mexico Texas Philosophical Society, 69th Annual Meeting, Houston, USA. (2018).
“Conceptual Sieves,” at Third International Conference on Philosophy of Mind, School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. (2017).
- “Phenomenal Concepts and the Disjunction Problem,” at the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology 108th Annual Meeting, Louisville. (2016).
- “The Logic of Quantified Two-Dimensional Conceivability Arguments,” at the Philosophy of Language and Mind Masterclass Conference with David Chalmers, Stockholm. (2015).
Elise Whatley
- “Virtual Selves in Full Body Ownership Illusions: Implications for Embodied Approaches to the Mind,” at Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP) 47th Annual Meeting. Poster session with M. Botero (2021).
Shimin Zhao
- “Understand the process of scientific discovery: the case of the network approach” at Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, Vancouver, Canada. (June 1-3, 2019).
- “Process, not just the product: the case of network motifs analysis”, at The 16th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Prague, The Czech Republic. (August 5-10, 2019).