Financial Aid

We offer 5 years of support to all incoming graduate students, beginning their first fall semester, and continuing for at least 9 additional semesters, provided the student makes satisfactory academic progress and carries out duties acceptably as graduate assistants. The support you receive may vary from year to year between assistantships and lectureships. Students supported as Teaching Assistants receive a supplemental department scholarship of $1,000 each semester for their first 4 semesters.  TA appointments under this guarantee will be at the level of at least 50%.


Every applicant to our graduate program for fall semester will be considered for admission with a fellowship. On average, about 3 fellowships are offered to new students each fall. Fellowships are highly competitive. They are awarded only to students with excellent academic backgrounds, outstanding letters of reference and a writing sample of the highest quality.

Fellowships awarded to incoming students range in length from semester, academic year and year-long fellowships.  In addition to the incoming Graduate School fellowships, the department typically awards one L&S Community of Graduate Research Scholars Fellowship (also known as Advanced Opportunity Fellowship), which supports the recruitment and retention of highly qualified underrepresented students in UW–Madison graduate programs.

Fellowships include exemption from paying tuition and fees, plus eligibility for low cost health insurance. After the term of their fellowship, students are employed as teaching or project assistants.

Current students are eligible to be considered for semester long dissertator fellowships, once they have achieved dissertator status.  Funding and fellowship information is available at Graduate School Fellowships.


Teaching or project assistants receive tuition remission and a salary based on current TA and PA rates. Detailed information is found at Graduate Assistantships.  These positions include exemption from paying tuition and eligibility for low cost health insurance.


Please be advised that all students who are not U.S. citizens must prove that they have the financial means to live and study in the United States, before they are granted a visa. International applicants should review, International Applicant Financial Information, for further information.


Citizens of the United States and permanent residents should contact Student Financial Services at finaid@finaid.wisc.eduor by phone at 608-262-3060, for more information on eligibility, how and when to apply, and types of aid.