Keisha Lindsay
Credentials: Affiliate Professor (University of Chicago, Ph.D. 2009)
Position title: Gender and Women's Studies and Political Science
Pronouns: Affiliate Professor, Department of African American Studies
3311 Sterling Hall

Keisha Lindsay is a professor in the departments of Gender and Women’s Studies and Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a recipient of the University’s Distinguished Teaching Award for Inclusive Excellence.
Professor Lindsay’s research and teaching interests include feminist political theory, black feminisms, and gender-based politics in the African diaspora. She is the author of In a Classroom of Their Own: The Intersection of Race and Feminist Politics in All-Black Male Schools (2018) as well as several articles including “Jane Gordon and the Creolization of Political Theory: A Gendered Reasoning” (2021), “Black on Red: Racing and Gendering 19th and 20th Century African Americans’ Interpretative Uses of Native American Political Experience,“ (2019) and “The Racial Contract: A Feminist Analysis” (2015). Her current research explores how self-defined Black ladies complicate conventional feminist understandings of Black women’s agency, or lack thereof, within material, discursive, local, and transnational relations of power.