Gary Lupyan

Credentials: Affiliate Professor (Carnegie Mellon University, PhD 2007)

Position title: Language and thought, categorization, perception, inner speech, language evolution, language models,


Brogden Hall 526

Gary Lupyan’s research interests span the role of language in cognition , the evolution of language, and the cognitive penetrability of perception. More recently, he has been working on individual differences in subjective experience (with a focus on inner speech), and understanding the ability of generative AI systems such as large language models to learn world knowledge from language. Prof. Lupyan’s lab uses  variety of methods from cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience, with an emphasis on behavioral experiments on human adults.

Selected recent publications (w/ links are to PDFs for convenience)

Suffill, E., van Paridon, J., & Lupyan, G. (2024). Mind Melds: Verbal Labels Induce Greater Representational Alignment. Open Mind8, 950–971.
Nedergaard, J. S. K., & Lupyan, G. (2024). Not Everybody Has an Inner Voice: Behavioral Consequences of AnendophasiaPsychological Science, 9567976241243004.
Rissman, L; Liu, Q; Lupyan, G. (2023) Gaps in the lexicon restrict communicationOpen Mind.
Sulik, J., van Paridon, J., & Lupyan, G. (2023). Explanations in the wild. Cognition237, 105464.
Lupyan, G.; Uchiyama, R.; Thompson, B.; Casasanto, D. (2023). Hidden differences in phenomenal experienceCognitive Science. DOI: 10.1111/cogs.13239
Zettersten, M. & Lupyan, G. (2019). Finding categories through words: More nameable features improve category learningCognition. 196:104135 DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104135
Lupyan, G., & Zettersten, M. (2021). Does vocabulary help structure the mind? In M. D. Sera & M. A. Koenig (Eds.), Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology (pp. 160–199). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Lab website: